When suffering an allergic reaction, taking prompt steps is vital in order to manage symptoms and potentially stop an exacerbation. Here's what you should do:
1. Identify Your Allergen:
To minimize an allergic response in future exposure situations, try to identify what caused it and avoid exposure in the first place. Knowing your allergen will allow for proper precaution.
2. Avoid Allergen Exposure:
Where possible, avoid further contact with allergen sources by moving away from their sources in order to stop future exposure.
3. Take Over-the-Counter Antihistamines
Nonprescription antihistamines can provide temporary relief of mild allergic reactions such as itching, hives and mild swelling by following dosing instructions listed on their packaging.
4. Utilizing Epinephrine (for Severe Allergies):
If you have had previous severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), carrying an auto-injector containing epinephrine such as EpiPen may help mitigate severe reactions in an emergency situation. Should symptoms arise and use your EpiPen according to instructions - even after using it however, seek medical help immediately as its effects could wear off over time.
5. Use Cold Compress:
Applying cold compress can help soothe itching and inflammation associated with allergic skin reactions, providing much-needed relief.
6. Stay Calm and Breathe:
To reduce stress-induced allergic reactions, and ensure optimal breathing ability. If breathing difficulties are an issue for you, slow and deep breaths might help.
7. Loosen Clothing:
Loosen any tight clothing which could impair breathing or circulation and loosening any items which could restrict it can help increase breathability or circulation.
8. Seek Medical Help
If the allergic reaction becomes serious and persistent, or worsens over time, seek medical advice immediately. Severe symptoms might include difficulty breathing, facial or throat swelling, chest pain or an elevated heartbeat rate.
9. Seek Help Immediately:
If an allergic reaction becomes severe enough that breathing, swallowing, or fainting are difficult, contact emergency services (e.g. 911) immediately for assistance.
10. Consider Allergy Medications:
If you know about and are prescribed allergy medication (epinephrine autoinjector or other), follow your healthcare provider's directions when using them.
At times of severe reactions or uncertainty about severity of symptoms, seeking professional medical help should be your top priority to protect both safety and well-being. They will assist in devising an action plan as well as prescribing necessary medicines to control allergic responses. Seeking professional assistance early is always better, for your own wellbeing as well as those around you.